Remember These 30 Bible Verses About Wisdom

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What should we do when we need wisdom? Here is a little peak at my guest post for Rock Solid Faith about 30 different bible verses about wisdom.

When we desire wisdom, we desire something truly valuable. Many scriptures throughout the Bible speak very highly about wisdom. In the book of Proverbs, wisdom is personified and she speaks as a woman. 

When we don’t know what to do in a particular situation, it’s time to consult Wisdom. A successful life is one that considers her guidance. We live in peace when we listen to her. The scriptures on wisdom in this article were curated to help you grow in understanding, and improve your decision-making.

30 Bible Verses About Wisdom

What is Wisdom According to the Bible?

Wisdom can be defined as the application of knowledge. It is a gift from God that is granted when a believer asks for it. James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who gives generously. 

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5 NLT

Wisdom is understanding and prudence. It guides our discernment and helps us to use discretion. 

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What Does Proverbs Teach About Wisdom?

The Bible says that wisdom is more valuable than gold or jewels. This says a lot about how much wisdom is worth! 

The book of Proverbs is known as the Book of Wisdom. Throughout the book, wise words and instructions offer guidance for many aspects of life. We benefit when we take heed to every bit of wisdom the Bible offers. The book of Proverbs is the best place to start!

The first chapter in Proverbs sets the stage with a father’s exhortation to acquire wisdom. Then, Wisdom herself shouts in the streets with an invitation to listen to her counsel.

 She warns the simpleminded and those who reject her that trouble, disaster, distress, and even death await them. Those who seek wisdom will live safely and in peace.

Throughout the remaining thirty chapters of Proverbs, we learn the benefits of wisdom and the consequences of folly. King Solomon’s proverbs teach us how to make wise decisions and they offer advice that we can apply to our daily lives.

Read the rest of the post at Rock Solid Faith where I provide you with 30 different scriptures about wisdom.

30 bible verses about wisdom

 We will cover bible verses about wisdom, knowledge, understanding, guidance, and even scriptures for leaders.

You may also enjoy reading about Lessons from Job in the Bible. Sometimes we experience trials, but it doesn’t always mean that we did anything wrong. God gives us the wisdom and grace we need even during tough times. There are many valuable gems we can glean from the biblical account of Job.

If you are dealing with worry or anxiety, you will find encouragement while reading How to Deal with Anxiety. You will learn biblical and practical tips to help you deal with anxiety and worry as a Christian. 

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6 thoughts on “Remember These 30 Bible Verses About Wisdom”

  1. Great topic! I love proverbs and try to read some each day. Sometimes I feel like I’m not getting as much out of it on a particular day, but then those verses are right there for me when I need the wisdom.

    1. Yes, they are still seeds being planted in our hearts. It’s wonderful we a scripture comes to mind right when we need it! Thank you for commenting!

  2. In a time when the culture seems to lack so much wisdom, this article is a great reminder to revisit Proverbs but to also seek our wisdom from God!

  3. “We benefit when we take heed to every bit of wisdom the Bible offers” My favourite quote from what you wrote. That’s gold right there👍🏽.

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