12 Simple Ways to Get Closer to God

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If you want to get closer to God, you can do exactly that. The Bible instructs us to draw close to God and as a result, He will draw close to us. (James 4:8)  With commitment and the actions to follow, you will notice that you are growing in your relationship with the Lord. Spending time with God is life-changing! Use these tips to grow close to God and remain in Him.

12 Simple Ways to Get Closer to God

1. Get Closer to God Through Prayer

A great way to get closer to God is through prayer. There are many references to prayer throughout scripture. It’s so important that Paul instructs us to “pray without ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17)

The devil knows that prayer is powerful, so he works really hard to keep us from praying. Busy schedules, sleepiness, and distractions frequently try to keep us from connecting with God through daily prayer.

There is power in prayer! Your prayer time is when you connect with God. Just like communication is vital to any healthy relationship, the same applies to your relationship with God. 

Pray, but also take time to slow down, be quiet and listen to what He wants to say to you.

How to Pray?

Prayer can be defined very easily. Prayer is simply talking to God. 

You can go before the Lord freely and boldly. Thank Him for His goodness. Tell Him what you need. Ask for wisdom. Talk to him throughout the day. Slow down to listen to what he has to tell you.

I like to use a notebook to write my prayers down. This allows me to read my prayers later and reflect on that time when God answered them.

2. Spend Time in the Word

You get close to God when you read your Bible. Imagine reading a love letter from your special someone. This is exactly what the Bible is! The Bible is God speaking to you. (2 Timothy 3:16) This can make it exciting to read when you think of it that way. 

God thought of you in advance, before you were born. He wrote you a whole book to guide you and help you live successfully here on Earth. There is power in the Word of God! It’s alive. 

There are many ways to go about reading your Bible daily! The key is to read and actually comprehend and receive it. 

Successful Bible study time includes reading the word, meditating on it and thinking about how you can apply it to your life.

3. Get Closer to God in Worship

Worship is an intimate act that will help you get closer to God. When we worship we show God reverence and adoration.

We often think of music when we hear the word “worship”. Worshipping God can definitely happen through song. We can also worship God with our thoughts and actions.

 When we are obedient to God in His word and we allow that to be reflected in our lifestyle- that’s worship. When we think about how much we love and adore Him- that’s worship.

Worship is an excellent way to get close to God!

4. Fellowship with God During Quiet Time

It’s important to take time each day to get quiet before God. Quiet time is a great time to get away for a moment, exhale, and listen for the voice of God. 

Use this time to fellowship with God. Share your heart with Him and get quiet to hear Him share His heart with you. Ask Him to speak to you. Tell Him you would like to hear His voice.

Your fellowship & quiet time with God is sure to bring you closer to Him.

5. Meditate on the Word and Memorize It

Meditating on the Word means “to think about it carefully and recite it in your heart”. God instructs us to meditate on the Word day and night. (Joshua 1:8)

When you read a bible verse during your quiet time, don’t close the Bible and forget it. Meditate on that scripture throughout the day. Try to remember what you read as the day winds down. Think about what it means.

For some verses, you may choose to memorize them.

One way that you can memorize scripture is by taking one specific scripture and writing it down on a note card. Read and recite it daily. Commit it to memory.

I recommend Charlotte Mason’s Scripture Memory System. I’ve personally used this and I think it’s brilliant!

RELATED: How to Grow Spiritually

6. Slow Down and Enjoy Nature

 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

God is the Creator of the beautiful sunset, incredible animals, and scenic views. Enjoy it all!

Take a moment to really marvel at His majesty in the chirping of the birds or the peak of a mountain. Have a conversation with Him and tell Him how incredible He is as you watch the sunrise.

What a beautiful way to get close to God!

12 Simple Ways to Get Closer to God

7. Believe What God Says About You

The Bible is full of God’s promises! 

We live in a time when people have no problem expressing their opinions about everything. In a world of so many voices, it’s important that we make sure God’s voice is the loudest in our lives.

Learn what God says about you by studying His Word. Meditate on it and believe what He says about you.

8. Reflect on God’s Goodness

Another way you can get closer to God is by reflecting on His goodness. Life gets so busy that sometimes we can quickly forget to take time to think about all God has done for us.

Take some time to replay the great victories God has given you. Think about the times He healed you, protected you, helped you, or guided you.

Consider writing these things down in a notebook or hanging them on a wall. This type of reflection draws you closer to God and it helps you grow in faith!

9. Practice Gratitude

You can grow closer to God by practicing gratitude daily. Take some time each day to thank God for His goodness to you. 

It can be as simple as being grateful to have breath in your body or food in your fridge. 

Philippians 4:4 says,

” Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”

When we slow down to count our blessings, it lifts our mood and we view things from a different perspective.

10. Be Obedient

As a believer, we are called to not only be hearers of the Word but to also be doers of the Word. This means that we hear the Word and do what it says.

You must be obedient to what God instructs you to do in His Word. If He says to “See ye first the Kingdom of God…”, be obedient. Ask God to help you seek His kingdom before anything else.

11. Give and Serve Others

You can grow closer to God through giving and serving others. Jesus Himself came to serve. We can follow His example and love others by serving them.

Giving and serving is an act of obedience to what God instructs us to do in His Word. Not only that, but it’s an incredible and rewarding feeling when we give to others with the right heart.

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38

12. Grow Closer to God by Fasting

Finally, you can fast to get closer to God. Fasting is amazing because it is a time of denying the flesh to allow more opportunities to seek God and feed your spirit.

If you decide to fast Netflix or a particular meal of the day, you have extra time in your day to spend time with God. 

The more time you spend with God, the closer you will get to Him and the deeper your love for Him will grow.

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