Ways to Serve Your Husband

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One of the beauties of marriage that is often neglected is the act of service. When a husband and wife commit to serving one another, both parties get their needs met. I’m going to share with you 5 ways to serve your husband

Black couple cuddling under a gazebo. Ways to serve your husband.

The Best Way to Serve Your Husband

As wives, we are instructed to respect our husbands. Ephesians 5:33 says, “So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” Showing respect is a way to serve your husband. Respect should be at the top of your list of priorities in your marriage. You can respect your husband by using your actions and words to serve him.

Physical Touch

One way you can serve your husband is by physical touch.Hugs, kisses, leaning in close, rubbing his back, running your fingers through his hair are great examples of physical touch. When you touch your husband, you are expressing love to him. It communicates that you’re proud to be his. Physical touch can even boost his confidence, stroke his ego, and foster intimacy.

Build Trust By Being His Safe Place

Building trust in your marriage and being his safe place is another way you can serve your husband. Allow him to be vulnerable with you. Be a good listener and help him feel that he can tell you anything. Allow him to be comfortable expressing his thoughts and feelings with you. Try to respond gently, and avoid responding negatively when he confides in you.

Serve Your Husband Through Giving

Giving is an excellent way to serve your husband. You can give of your time, your love, and yourself. Try giving with random acts of kindness. Think of ways you can surprise him by doing kind things for him when he least expects it. Spend time with him and make him feel appreciated and needed. You can give him gifts, words of affirmation, time, etc. The biggest key when giving is to strive to give 110% even on days when you may not feel like you’re receiving that in return. That’s sacrificial love and it is a form great way to serve your husband.

Man and woman smile at each other while holding tea cups. Ways to serve your husband.

Fix Yourself Up

If you got dolled up when you were dating your husband, continue to do that for him from time to time. Men are visual which means they are stimulated by what they see. If you started your marriage wearing dresses, heels and pretty manicures, continue the habit. Try to avoid wearing loungewear with a messy bun or a bonnet all day. Getting cute is a way to serve your husband and communicate that you care.

Speak His Love Language

A great way to serve your husband is to learn to speak his love language. Communication is a lot easier and effective when the same language is being spoken. If you haven’t done so already, read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. He emphasizes that there are five love languages, and we each have a primary language in which we give and receive love the best. Quality time, Physical Touch, Word of Affirmation, Giving Gifts and Acts of Services are ways that we give and receive love. Learn what language your husband speaks and commit to expressing love to him in that “language”.

Watch the Video

This blog outlines just a few ways that you can serve your husband in marriage, but there are so many more. If this is a new concept to you, try focusing on one of things mentioned in this article and gradually add more. Click below to watch the video about ways to serve your husband.

For tips on how to have a happy marriage, click here.

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2 thoughts on “Ways to Serve Your Husband”

  1. So much great advice here! I think we often forget that men are different than us and that fixing ourselves up and touch may be more meaningful to them sometimes than talking.

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback, Patti! I absolutely agree with you. I believe that is so true. Thanks for reading. God bless you!

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