How to Have A Happy Marriage

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Many people say that the first year of marriage is hard and tough, but what if I told you that doesn’t have to be the case? You can have a happy marriage!

Before my husband and I got married, we decided we didn’t want to accept what everyone else said about the first year. We were determined to prove to ourselves and to those around us that the first year of marriage and thereafter, doesn’t have to be as difficult as people say it is.

I believe that because my husband I changed our expectations, we had a wonderful first year of marriage! Years later, it has still been an amazing journey!

I’m here to help you have a healthy marriage! Here are 3 tips that you can apply today to work toward having a happy marriage.

Black couple sitting on the couch laughing together. How to have a happy marriage.

1. Establish a solid relationship with God

Establishing a relationship with God is so important. In order for anything to be successful, you need God.

He should be at the center, the very essence of everything you do. It’s important to have this relationship because it teaches you many things.

My relationship with God has helped me practice commitment and faithfulness through the highs and lows of life. It taught me submission.

I learned how to slow down and listen. Yes, you can do all of these things with God.

In my relationship with the Lord, I allowed Him to show me myself, change my character flaws, and develop me into who He created me to be. He continues to do so.

This is how you can learn what fruit of the spirit you need to develop in. Love, joy, peace, patience, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (Galatians 5:22) are all things that are needed in a healthy marriage.

You grow in these areas when you spend time with God in His Word and allow Him to work in your heart.

2. Adjust your Mindset & Serve Your Husband

If you sign up to be a wife, you need to think like a wife. In marriage, it’s not all about you and you will not get your way all the time.

I mentally prepared myself for these facts and worked to make the necessary adjustments before getting married.

There is no room for selfishness in a healthy, godly marriage. In marriage you must be ready and willing to give, serve, forgive, love unconditionally, and make sacrifices.

Often times, we instinctively like to think about what we want, need and deserve. It may take a conscious effort to put your husband’s needs before your own.

The more you practice the act of service and making sure your husband’s needs are met first, the easier it will get.

This works pretty smoothly and can yield quick results if you have a godly husband. If your husband is a work in progress, this may take some time, patience and lots of prayer to see the results. But don’t give up!

When two people are committed to serving one another and putting their spouse’s needs first, they both get their needs met! What a beautiful thing!

Happy interracial couple in a field of purple flowers. How to have a happy marriage.

3. Communicate for a Happy Marriage

I cannot stress the importance of communication, enough! This is super important!

You and your husband will need to communicate about everything. Be open and freely talk about your beliefs, goals, vision, finances and more.

Communication doesn’t end after you say “I do”. Talk about your feelings, strengths/weaknesses, celebrations/concerns, money, sex, plans and schedule with your husband.

Communication never ends, and you can’t over-communicate. If you’re stopping at the gas station before heading home, why not send a quick text letting your husband know that?

Try to be mindful of the way you communicate. Your speech should be kind, gentle, patient and loving.

In my house, we watch our tone and make sure we don’t communicate with an attitude, silent treatments or clap-backs.

We communicate with kindness, love and respect and anything opposite of that is unacceptable. The way that you communicate will either build your husband up or tear him down. Your goal is to build him up always, and if you mess up, forgive and genuinely apologize quickly so you don’t go to bed angry.

4. Be Intimate Daily

Yes, daily! However, intimacy means different things for different people.

In essence, intimacy entails closeness, privacy, coziness, and of course, sexual intimacy. I believe that you make time for what is important to you.

Spending time being close, private and even sexual with your spouse daily is very important, so be sure to schedule time for it each day.

Yes, sometimes we have long exhausting days, full time jobs, kids, and responsibilities but that shouldn’t be enough reason to neglect quality time with your husband.

We don’t allow “tired” to be an excuse to skip out on such an important time for us and our marriage.

If you know it’s on the agenda, try to plan your day to where you’ll have some energy left for your husband, and at the least, be mentally prepared.

5. Have Fun Together

I encourage you and your husband to get to know each other so well that you are best friends. If you already are, that’s perfect!

When your husband is your best friend, you share everything together, you have fun and laugh together.

Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”

Life can be serious and busy at times. It’s refreshing when you can let your hair down and have a blast with your spouse.

Here is a video with amazing tips on How to Have a Happy Marriage, watch below:

Final Thoughts on Having a Happy Marriage

The 5 tips above contribute toward having a healthy, happy marriage.

Of course, these are not the only things, but they are definitely the tips that make a big difference.

You can enhance your marriage even more by speaking your husband’s love language. You can learn more about that here.

If you’re looking for date night ideas to enjoy with your husband, click here.

Sharing is caring!

10 thoughts on “How to Have A Happy Marriage”

  1. This is such good advice! I especially relate to the importance of communicating and having fun together in marriage. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback! I agree. Communication is vital and having fun is important!

    1. Amen! It is indeed a gift. Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m glad you found it encouraging!

  2. Tip #2 about adjusting your mindset is so crucial! When we have negative thoughts about our husband on repeat in our minds, we act accordingly! And those are the times we definitely are not thinking of his needs first. These are really solid tips! Thanks for sharing this, Larissa!

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback Shanna! That is so true. We act in accordance to our thoughts. This is why Phil 4:8 is so important. Thanks for reading!

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