5 Ways to Improve Your Toddler Bedtime Routine!

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Children thrive with routines and toddlers are no different. A solid toddler bedtime routine is a game changer! Did you know you can begin routines with your child as early as birth?

I’ve done this with my daughter and it’s been great in our household. Now that she’s a toddler, she has mastered our bedtime routine, and it’s become a smooth process.

Here are a few things that you can begin doing tonight to improve or develop (in case you don’t have one yet) your toddler bedtime routine!

The key is to find what works best for you and your family. Change what you don’t like and stick with what you love!

Improve your toddler bedtime routine like this sleeping toddler.

1. Keep Your Toddler Bedtime Routine Simple

Let’s be honest, by nighttime you’re probably tired and may still have tons left on your to-do list. Tell me, it’s not just me! 

Or maybe you killed it today and you have time to relax and unwind! You go, girl!

For you and your toddler’s benefit, having a simple routine is powerful! I can usually get through it all in about 30 minutes or less. 

The time it takes you will depend on the things you include in your routine. Stick to the basics and move on to the next task.

Allow Choices

Throughout your routine, try to include your toddler. It is her nighttime ritual just as much as it is yours. 

In some cases, there will be no choice. However, there are things you can do to help your child feel like she is a part of this routine.

Consider letting her choose which pajamas she will wear tonight. Hold up 2 choices and let her point to or grab the one she likes. 

Sometimes, I let my daughter decide what she wants to do first. She gets to decide between brushing her teeth or taking her vitamin supplement.

You can also let your tot choose what book to read before bed. These kinds of choice offerings are healthy ways to teach decision making skills and allow you both to feel like a team as you get ready for bed.

2. Be Consistent 

Once you’ve discovered a great bedtime routine, do the same thing every single night. It’s repetitive, but kids do great with repetition. 

Routines are wonderful because they are predictable and kids know what to expect. 

Inconsistency can throw your child off and lead to potential behaviors that can actually be avoided. 

If you’re consistent, you can move through each step of your routine with ease. Consistency benefits you and your family.

3. Create a Bedtime “Window”

While it’s great to have an actual bedtime, sometimes flexibility is necessary. In my house, there is a set bedtime which is the goal, but I leave myself a window when we need it.

So, if 7pm is the goal, my window may be from 6:45pm -7:30pm. This means your child should be in bed within that time frame. 

Each day is different and sometimes having flexibility helps. I recommended having a small window to help with consistency.

 A one hour time window is reasonable as it still allows you to be flexible on days when you need it. (Think falling behind schedule, unexpected company, or anything that throws off your routine)

How to be Consistent When You’re Exhausted

There are days when, as a mama, we are just plain exhausted! On these days, take advantage of your bedtime window!

On days when I’m extremely tired, I plan for the earlier time in my bedtime window. So, if my bedtime goal for my daughter is normally 7pm, I may plan for 6:45pm on an exhausting day. 

This 15 minute difference doesn’t throw off her routine, but it does give me a little more time to get her ready for bed, so I can quickly get to winding down myself.

4. Train Your Toddler with Your Bedtime Routine

Once you and your family work out a routine that works best for your home, use it to train your tot. If your child tries to do something silly or too playful for bedtime, communicate your expectations. 

Try redirecting calmly and quietly with things like, “It’s time for bed. It’s not time to run around the house.”

“ Lay down and go to sleep. It’s bedtime.” 

If you choose to engage and be entertained by the behavior, it will communicate to your toddler that it’s okay, and she may do it again tomorrow night and the night after that. 

Are you wondering how to discipline properly when your little cutie decides to go rogue? Click here for How to Discipline Your Child.

5. Plan Ahead to Prepare for the Bedtime Routine

Be intentional throughout the day to prepare your toddler for bedtime at night. Consider making sure your little spends some time outside in the sun during the day to help with melatonin production.

Get him engaged in active play where he can burn some energy. If he takes naps throughout the day, schedule them in a way where they won’t interfere with his sleep later at night.

For example, if bedtime is at 7pm, avoid letting him nap from 5-6pm because that’s so close to bedtime and he most likely won’t be sleepy. 

Avoid overstimulating your child just before bed. Create a calm and peaceful atmosphere leading up to bedtime. 

Avoid Overstimulation

This is huge! Turn off the blaring music and the loud TV. Avoid action packed movies and stimulating playtime. 

Skip the sugary snacks before bed. 

If your toddler uses devices, have a cut off time before bedtime. 

Bluelight interferes with sleep. To avoid this, train your children to understand that devices are off limits 2 hours before bedtime. 

This means no phone, tablet, TV, etc. Instead, try giving him a warm bath, play peaceful music,  a sound machine, or sing lullabies. Dim the lights, and read a bedtime story before bed.

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

When it comes to bedtime, get straight to the point. If you notice your toddler is sleepy or tired, and it’s close to bedtime, start your bedtime routine.

Choosing to keep her up for those 10 extra minutes until 7:30 on-the-dot could very well lead to a tiny toddler meltdown.

We both know, a meltdown will slow down your routine and leave you with less time to do what you need to do after she finally goes to sleep.

What’s a Good Bedtime Routine for Toddlers?

Bedtime routines will vary by household. Here is a simple, basic bedtime routine.

Download your free Toddler Bedtime Routine here:

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